Friday, 20 April 2012

Who's in Control?

Large organisations are usually in charge of these parks, or programs. The world wildlife fund (WWF) for example being one of the most well known globally. However there are many more, from other global organisations to smaller region based groups such as the Scottish Wildlife Trust¹, or even smaller groups which try to help one species in particular. These organisations however are often largely funded by public donations and receive very little or no government funding². They usually work with the governments and other organisations to form and carry out a plan over a number of weeks/years to conserve a species or area. This can involve working with the local community to give them a better understanding of the situation and in turn allow them to do most of the work for themselves or it can simply be to carry out population counts and try and create a breeding program in a protected area. Most of this work must first be given the okay by the heads of state, government bodies or region leaders first however, for example the reintroduction of beavers to Scotland³.


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